Our Story

How it all started...

Our parent church, Christ First Church (CFC) was founded by Pastor R.R. Jordan, in October 2009.  Before founding CFC, Pastor Jordan spent much time in prayer, fasting, and conversation with his Bishop who affirmed the call of God on Pastor Jordan’s life.  Prior to having the unction of the Holy Spirit to plant CFC, Pastor Jordan served at two other ministries with dedication and faithfulness. As a submitted servant under his Bishop, Pastor Jordan taught leadership class and served as an intercessor.  For several years preceding the call to plant CFC, Pastor Jordan knew that there was a great call God wanted him to fulfill, but training and preparedness was needed to see the ecumenical call manifest.
During his second year in seminary Pastor Jordan was given a pastor’s heart and the Apostolic authority to move forward with the call of God on his life.  After working in ministry eight years, God had prepared him for his next ministry assignment, the call to Pastor God’s church.  After the call came the resources shortly followed. With a call from God and ten people who believed in the mandate on his life, Pastor Jordan added work to his faith by seeking a place that would house the vision.
After three years in a storefront God led him to transition to a new worship space in the Central West End at 4359 Lindell in the Engineer's Hall theater.

On December 2, 2018 the Lord blessed us to have our first service in our new church home at 4152 Washington. With the location change the Lord also led Pastor Jordan to change the church name to "The Advancing Church" which is still part of the Christ First Church Ministry.

Be a part of our story...

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:30 am and 11 am.